Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Film Land
India is the true filmland with its niche quality of mind-boggling and memorable film, as India is not lagging behind the Hollywood film but throwing the daunting challenge to them. India is the largest producer of films, amazingly the number is more than 8,000 in a calender year now. Also, the country have the modern infrastructure and rich cultural heritage. Indian box office is mending the astronomical amount of money in the world. Only the Hollywood can compare with it's stature, when an actor can get a lot of fame and an abduncance of money instantly. It is just like a dream to became a bollywood star. India makes the maximum number of films in the world. Also, it has the largest movie-going audience than others. The Indian media and entertainment industry tells a compelling story with great investment and growth potential. There are two hundred channels and regional networks airing in television regularly. As per film-censor board, there are 900 films has released in the year 2005. The figure comes more than two films per day. The mind-boggling 25, 000 crore film industry is expected to double their investments in the coming five years. The popularty of IMAX theatres or multiplexes in all over India is definitely a good sign for the film fraternity. In fact, it has created the class system among the cine-goers. Multiplexes have provided a link between experimental film-makers and audiences who want to watch different films in a different ambience. They are expected to became crowd-pullar that automatically generate revenue in film business. There is an acute trend of NRI films and also HINGLISH films are so popular in India and abroad. The Hollywood film industry finally ready to consider India as ever-growing, potential film land, who delivers not only quality output but also produce block-buster film. There are many autuer film-maker who uplifting always India's image withcrossover films. In India, there are hi-tech studios, cutting edge post production facilities, apt sound recording, SFX ( Special Effect ) techniques which are reasonably comparable with Hollywood studios. India have an own state of the art procedure to create the melodramatic and emotional film of love and family bond with an abundance of dialogues, melodious songs unlike Hollywood's little-dialogue and song-less films. The debutant directors are making constantly the non-formulac and uncompromising films with an elan and brilliance. A lot of avant-grade movies have already made in extremely moderate budget. There are boom for corporate sector like Tata, Pantaloon, Reliance, Singhania,Birla's foray into the film producing business. There projects are not in a preliminary stages but in floors. There is a 15:1 ratio in film business. As per industry trend, one hit can recoup the flop of fifteen.Now the scenario has changed a lot. Ambitious film buffs are making their foray into the film line. Film career is now recognised profession only you have some true obsession. As because the films pitch for funds in the fierce competition in Indian film market. Also, we have a growing piracy problem. But Government are trying to mitigate the problem in a strict hand. Low budget films are reasonably doing well. The main principle is to take a stake in film career and find the right path to get the foot-hold in the film industry. Ofcourse, this is not the cake walk to dostick on film career. But, nothing to worry as because, India is a film land with only eleven screens per million population as against one hundred seventeen in the USA. So, there is a need for more films and also screening theatre to fulfil the need of film-viewers. As being an ardent film personality, your dedicated endeavour can't go wrong. The Bollywood Mumbai is awaiting for your great start.
Astrological Knowledge
Saturn conjunct Mars - astrological aspect
Mars conjunct Saturn shows that you are fortunate in being able to use your energy constructively. The normal desire to assert yourself on impulse is balanced by realization of the consequences of such an action. This quality of restraint can mean great accomplishments for you because you don't waste energy on unproductive efforts. Your sense of economy and efficiency are characteristics of success; you know how to use your talents purposefully for specific objectives. You are realistic in applying good judgement before taking any action. Your early training enabled you to take on major responsibilities without difficulty. Knowing your limitations, you rarely go beyond them. You are prudent and yet fearless, cautious and yet aggressive, hard-working and yet able to accomplish a great deal with economy of effort. Although you are a complex person, you use the most simplistic approach in solving problems. You represent the ideal in terms of a balance between aggression and self-control. You are never indifferent to the feelings of others, but can become angry when others try to interfere with you. Frustration brings out the most dangerous kind of energy in you. You are not accustomed to having your plans challenged, and can launch vicious attacks against your adversaries, even resorting to physical violence. Other factors in your chart may indicate whether you would go do this extreme, but the potential for it exists in this planetary combination. Many professional pursuits are possible with this combination. Especially suitable are occupations requiring physical endurance and stamina, such as archaeology, exploration, geographic surveys, and forestry service. In the industrial field, research and development seem appropriate. Military service would be another means of expression for your controlled energy. In your romantic pursuits, you easily play the roles of both prey and predator. You carefully evaluate the partner's line of least resistance in order to decide which techniques you will use. The remark 'pursued until you caught the pursuer' is descriptive of your method. It is very important not to become chilled when indulging in physical activities. Cool off gradually and avoid cold liquids to prevent cramps. Use as little salt as possible when not doing strenuous physical work. This is a very precarious condition. Usually it is not harmonious. You have to undergoes hardship and danger. A man or woman of strong determination. No deviation from selected path. Suffers financial loses through brothers. Conquers enemies, is argumentative, without any peace of mind. Thievish and war-like nature. If conjunction is in 3 rd, 6 th and 6 th house. You will be like a king, loved by all and be famous.The Saturn-Mars conjunction is termed as accident prone. When favourable in 1 st, gain through in-laws, and from journeys. In 2 nd , wealth after marriage. In 4 th, gain of wealth. In 5 th, wealth after birth of son. In 7 th, gain through opposite sex, comforts from wife and children. In 8 th troubles, In 9 th gain, power etc. after performing religious ceremony of his elders. In 12 th house good results are indicated.
Masculine & Feminine Planets
Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Sun are masculine. Neptune, Venus and Moon are feminine. Mercury is convertible; masculine when with masculine planets and feminine when with feminine. When unaspected its gender is determined by its sign, or whether rising before (masc.) or after (fem.) the Sun. These terms in astrology do not simply relate to the gender of sexuality, for masculine and feminine also express these other polarities:
• active/passive
• positive/negative
• dry/moist
• hot/cold
• light/dark
The idea of masculinity is traditionally related to dryness and femininity to moisture. According to Ptolemy, Mercury is common rather than convertible, as he produces "the dry and the moist alike". The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) have no traditional gender, so modern astrologers have assigned it. Gender has also been assigned to the major asteroids, Ceres, Vesta, Juno & Pallas Athene (all feminine) mainly on mythological grounds, but also in a questionable effort to right the so-called gender imbalance of traditional astrology. Chiron however is considered masculine.
Masculine & Feminine Quarters
Masculine Quarters extend anticlockwise from the cusp of the 10th house to the cusp of the Ascendant and clockwise from the cusp of the 4th to that of the 7th. Feminine Quarters are counted clockwise from the cusp of the Ascendant to that of the 4th and anti-clockwise from the cusp of the 7th to that of the 10th.
Masculine & Feminine Signs
Masculine Signs
• Aries
• Leo
• Sagittarius
• Gemini
• Libra
• Aquarius
Feminine Signs
• Taurus
• Virgo
• Capricorn
• Cancer
• Scorpio
• Pisces
The ancients considered that masculinity and femininity also alternated according to the sign's position vis a vis the ascendant, which is considered masculine.
Mars holds a very important planet in our horoscopes. It is the planet of action and our capacity to project emotion - its nature is that of a brave warrior, one who is also ruthless. A correct balance of Martian energy is the most desirable in all lives - but unfortunately, only a lucky few possess this dynamic balance. Mars is the planet of emotional excitability, which can become violence. Generally speaking, Venus is the planet of emotion sensitivity, which can become refinement while Mars represents the malefic side of our emotions.On the positive side, a strong Mars is necessary to give us the energy, independence, will and self-confidence to carry out our endeavors. Without this we would have no real interest, passion or motivation to carry out anything to an end and accomplish its objective. On the negative side, the same aggression brings about competition, argument and conflict - which, if unchecked can lead to domination, violence and injury. Mars indicates premature death; as with loss of partner, particularly so when Mars is afflicted by "Kuja Dosha". This affliction of Mars in a chart commonly makes the horoscope to be known as a Manglik horoscope. When the planet Mars is occupies the house of ascendant, 1st, 2nd , 4th , 7th , 8th and 12th in anybody’s birth chart or horoscope. Then the Mars considered malicious and the person called Mangalik. But, only the direct aspects or combination of Jupiter can totally emulate the terrible effect of Mars. The bad effect is the untimely death, separation or divorce of the life partner of the Mangalik person. That is why, the mangalik boy can marry only the mangalik girl. This precaution must be taken in advance or before marriage to cope out from the terrible trauma. There are of course conditions when this affliction of "Kuja Dosha" is reduced to some extent. These are:
• Mars in 1st House is in Aries
• Mars in 4th House is in Scorpio
• Mars in the 7th House is in Capricorn or Pisces
• Mars in the 8th House is in Cancer
• Mars in the 12th House is in Sagittarius
The very obvious and only means to cancellation of "Kuja Dosha" or malefic effect of a Manglik horoscope is that the person with such a horoscope marries another with a similar affliction. Recourse to divinity, especially to Lord Hanumaan is said to be effective armour against malefic effect of "Kuja Dosha". So called mangalik is a serious problem in the Hindus for the marriage. As per general rule of manglik, every 5 person out of 12 are always manglik. It means approximate 42 % population is always manglik. This is a serious problem to search a match for manglik girl / boy. But this is not truth. There are further more rules and condition for the Manglik Dosh, after that few person remain manglik, and again there are some rules applied on individual horoscope, then most of manglik declared person become non-manglik, while you search a manglik match for you / your non-manglik daughter / son.What will mangalik dosh effect in your married life? What are the possible ramifications?Mars (Mangal) placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house from ascendant (Lagna), Moon and Venus results in the Mangalik Dosha. The Importance of Mars in Mangalik DoshaMars is a cruel planet astrologically. Mars is a natural significator of Courage, Aggression, Violence, Property, Coborns to name a few. In terms of Marriage it acquires supreme importance as here it signifies Passion, the Husband, the Marital Knot, sex, etc. Moreover, the role of Mars in the generation of progeny cannot be underestimated. Mangalik Dosha in Relation to PlanetsMangalik Dosha is considered from the Ascendant as it signifies everything about self.Mangalik Dosha is considered from the Moon as it signifies heart, emotions. Mangalik Dosha is considered from Venus as it signifies marriage, spouse, and bed pleasures. Mangalik Dosha in Relation to Houses1st House signifies Self in general and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems in certain cases. 2nd House signifies Finance, Family among other things and placement/ aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases. 4th House signifies Domestic happiness, family and material comforts among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases. 7th House signifies spouse, marriage, married life among other things and placement/ aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases. 8th House signifies Longevity, Mangalya (marital bond) in females among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases. 12th House signifies Bed comforts, sexual enjoyment among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.The Effects of Placement of Mars in Specific Houses:Placement in 1st house: Being placed in the 1st house it will aspect 4th house, 7th house and 8th house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.Placement in 2nd house: Being placed in the 2nd house it will aspect 5th house (Children, emotions, intellect), 8th house and 9th(Fortune, Prosperity and Progeny in females) house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes. Placement in 4th house: Being placed in the 4th house it will aspect 7th house, 10th house (career, fame) and 11th house (gains, elevation of spouse) hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.Placement in 7th house: Being placed in the 7th house it will aspect 10th house, 1st house and 2nd house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.Placement in 8th house: Being placed in the 8th house it will aspect 11th house, 2nd house and 3rd house (inclination, courage, vigour), hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.Placement in 12th house: Being placed in the 12th house it will aspect 3rd house, 6th house (debts, disease, competition) and 7th house, hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.The Nature of Mangalik DoshaIt is believed that Mangalik dosha is mild if it is from the Ascendant. This affliction is stronger from the Moon and strongest from Venus.Mars placement in 1st, 2nd, 4th and 12th house indicates mild Dosha. Mars placement in 7th or 8th house results in greater Dosha. Neutralizing of Mangalik DoshaThe effects of the Mangalik Dosha are neutralized in various ways. But here we can mention a few Vedic Astrology Principles. If Mangalik Dosha is found in both the male and the female horoscope the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Jupiter aspects or conjoins Mars, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars and Rahu are placed together in the horoscope, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars is placed in his own house or in exaltation, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars is placed in 7th house and ascendant lord happens to be Saturn the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars is placed in 8th house and ascendant lord happens to be Venus the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars is placed in 8th house with Jupiter as 8th lord the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars is placed in 12th house with Venus as 12th lord the effects of the dosha are neutralized.So called mangalik is a serious problem in the Hindus for the marriage. As per general rule of manglik, every 5 person out of 12 are always manglik. It means approximate 42 % population is always manglik. This is a serious problem to search a match for manglik girl / boy. But this is not truth. There are further more rules and condition for the Manglik Dosh, after that few person remain manglik, and again there are some rules applied on individual horoscope, then most of manglik declared person become non-manglik, while you search a manglik match for you / your non-manglik daughter / son.
1. A retrograde Mercury ( apparent backward motion ) as it implies stalled and inhibited communications.
2. A retrograde Venus or Mars in women as it denotes the inability of sexual desire.
1. Venus with Mars.
2. Venus with Uranus.
3. A week Jupiter.
4. Venus-Rahu in 5th house or Venus-Mars in 5th house.
5. Venus-Rahu in 7th house or Venus-Mars in 7th house.
6. Venus-Rahu in 8th house or Venus-Mars in 8th house.
7. Venus-Rahu in 12th house or Venus-Mars in 12th house especially in Scorpio or Aries.
These above mentioned conditions will be totally nullified if planets are combined with strong Jupiter or directly aspects by the strong Jupiter. So, the planet Jupiter can be savior for the all human beings.Malefics Planets generating difficult circumstances: traditionally Mars and Saturn; nowadays Uranus. The Sun is classed as a malefic in Indian (Vedic) astrology and also in Western Astrology when in conjunction (due to phenomenon of combustion — except when cazimi, i.e. in the heart of the Sun). The Dragon's Tail (Moon's south node) is malefic, though a "shadow planet" rather than a real rock. In Indian astrology both the Dragon's Head (Rahu) and Tail (Ketu) are considered serious malefics. The jury is still out on Pluto, but he is most likely malefic. Ceres it seems to me is generally malefic, especially in terms of natural disasters.
There are five planets rules the artistic talents of a person. These planets are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. They independently and combinedly make the various possibilities of the artistic talents.
Moon is the planet of imagination. When Moon is combined with Mars and Venus and three plantes are in a good position. Then a fine-honed painter is born with the gifted talent.
Mercury rules the voice quality, Mars rules the power of the voice and the Venus rules the rhythm sense. The combination of three planets in a good position makes person a popular singer. Also, the planet Jupiter gives the true capability of a classical singer.
The magnificient combination of The planet Sun and Mercury makes a person a talented writer or a novelist. Also, the planet Jupiter and Moon gives an unparrel variety of writing imagination to satisfy the reader.
An actor born with the strong influnce of the planet Mars, Mercury, Venus and Sun. These four planets makes a person with the quality of an acute talent of acting and spellbound performance.
SUN :- Head, Right eye, Heart, Stomach, Skin and Bone of the body.
MOON :- Left eye, Kidney, Lungs, Blood, Canal and Water in body.
MARS :- Head, Neck, Marrow, Genitals, Blood, Veins and Rectum of the body.
MERCURY :- Nose, Chest, Nerve, Spinal, Gall Bladder and Skin of the body.
JUPITER :- Tongue, Brain, Thigh, Liver, Kidney, Lungs, Ear, Fat and Memory of the body.
VENUS :- Throat, Eye-sight, Face, Genital Organs, Urine, Semen, Lustre of the body and Water in bodyand glands.
SATURN :- Hair, Teeth, Bones, Muscles, Legs, Limbs aand Skin of the body.
RAHU :- Feet and Breathing.
KETU :- Belly.
The most positive planet of universe. It's the conmbination of extremist outburst and floundering attitude. The planet Uranus is like a galloping hore with relentless effort. There is no malign in the nature, brave-hearted, straight-forward and dare-devil. The optimistic , ambitious , unbelievably fast movement, grooming go, knowlegeable and inteligency is the main forte of the planet Uranus. It's negative side is impatience, hot-temperedness, sometime aimless and the power to the quick grasp of detailing. It got the respect and honour from the people. The Uranus is idealistic and revoulinistic. Sometimes ill-fate curls the Uranus to make the end of impossilble activities. It's tendency to spearhead the projects with it's pioneering spirit. Uranus indicates electricity, which is indispensably fast engertic source of human life. Uranus is basically rules our psychological mind.
The mystic planet of the vast universe. It rules the deep ocean of secrecy and help to make the miracle magic. The planet Netune is the true king of all sorcery, mysterious death, occult science and sudden change. No body can judge perfectly the natre and tendency of Neptune. The constant imaginery of poet or lyricist is the true forte of the planet Neptune. It is the epitome of romantic love and the fine-honed sense of art. The real home of an artist, who gets the true inspiration to create the immortal niche. It has the hyper-sensitive nature and sentimentality to identify them from others. The Neptune represents the tremendous urge to make fulfil the dream. It is passimistic and passionate. On the other hand, The planet Neptune, is very suspicious and shrewd minded. They can manipulate their evil carefully to demolish them. All unsolved robbery or untraceable murders are the Nepttune's negative side. The planet Neptune represents the water or sea, which is the living source of our life energy. It is also rules in our psychological mind like the planet Uranus.
The smallest planet in the universe, with it's great power and ethics. The planet Pluto is really made for the true analysis of anything. It's the whizkid of all knowledge. It is very pragmatic, non-conformist, aloof and aggressive. The planet Pluto's fight is for the establishment of truth and it's own principle. It don't want to impose it's hard-rock philospphy in anybody's mind. It don't care anybody to follow it's own way. But, it is very fearless to proceed it's own road alone without any friend or help. There is no halt or no death trap can became it's barrier. People are not considered it friendly but respectable. As because, the planet Pluto can create a ripple like a small atom bomb. It is became it's own teacher, philosopher and guide. It likes to make friendship very much but not any friend can bind it into the small sphere. The planet Pluto's vision is big as a truth seeker. On the other hand it would be very cruel and selfish. It creates tremendous mayhem in public life . Sometimes it is very autocrat with it's destructive way. Actually, the planet Pluto indicates the powerful small, which is not being ignorable by others. It is especially influential in our psychological mind.
SUN – Ruby with gold in the ring finger.
MOON – Pearl / Moonstone with gold / silver in the index finger.
MARS – Red Coral with silver in the ring finger.
MERCURY – Green Emerald with gold in the little finger.
JUPITER – Yellow Sapphire with gold in index finger.
VENUS – Diamond / Aquamarine with gold / silver in the middle finger.
SATURN – Blue Sapphire / Amethyst with gold / silver in the middle finger.
RAHU – Zircon with gold in the middle finger.
KETU – Cat’s Eye with gold in the ring finger.
How to count your numerological number?There are several processes to count your numerological number. But the two formulas are widely used by world of numerologist. One is the simple Date of birth calculation and the other one is Name number calculation. The description given below:
It is a simple formula to follow and know your numerological number. You required to know your correct birth day and sum up the total number to make a single digit number. Example given below:-
Date of birth of AMLAN BASU = 16-01-1963 = 1+6+0+1+1+9+6+3 = 27 = 2+7 = 9.
You have to know the number of 27 alphabets, where every alphabetical have some number. You have to put the number and sum up to make a single digit number. Let’s know the number of every alphabet.
A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 D = 4 E = 5 F = 6 G = 7 H = 8 I = 9 J = 1 K = 2
L = 3 M = 4 N = 5 O = 6 P = 7 Q = 8 R = 9 S = 1 T = 2 U = 3 V = 4 W= 5 X = 6 Y = 7 Z = 8
Let’s take the example to calculate your numerological number.
AMLAN BASU = 1+4+3+1+5+2+1+1+3 = 21 = 2+1 = 3
What is the correct one to follow?
Both are the correct number. But, the Date of birth number is a fixed number, which is always static for the whole life and the Name number is a changeable number, which is also important for your career. After all, you are using your name as an identity. So, this number is firmly considerable.
Number One
One is the origin the beginning number which represents the star Sun. The sun is very hot and dry. It’s like the father of all. It represents the leadership quality, perfection, absolute unity, optimistic and so on. It can be happy, loving, selfish, individualistic, romantic, dynamic and charismatic, but on the other hand it can be egotistical, self-absorbed, melodramatic, obstinate and alone. One’s character is totally masculine and dominating. It has some degree of freedom and authority. It knows no fear. It has a rollicking-frolicking manner. It can cope out it’s barrier and able to bounce back. It loves to be the centre of attention and lavish for the praise. One has the tact and diplomacy. Above all, number One is the true persona of a father.
Number Two
Two represents the satellite moon. It is cold, changeable and feminine nature. It’s like the mother of all. It represents the night, mysterious things. In symbolizing partnership, two implies that individual achievements are not realistic because accomplishments are best realized through co-operation and teamwork. Two represents polarities such as good and evil, black and white, male and female, left and right. One pole cannot exist without the other. Two is the symbol of sacrifice. She is shy, passionate, imaginative, changeable and capable of enduring for a long time. Two is very artistic and a fine-honed sense of creativity. Two is the mind of a woman. It represents love and affection in all aspects of our life. It may be fickle and less will-power in sometime, but it’s every expression is true, not malefic. The cranky aspect of the number two is derived from the disappointment and dissatisfaction of the human spirit when denied first place in anything. After all, number Two is the true persona of a mother.
Number Three
Three is ruled by the planet Jupiter resulting in a new integration and wholeness. It represents a lively, cheerful, benevolent, realistic, spiritual mind. It is a masculine planet.Three can also relate to expansiveness and learning through life experiences. It is considered to be lucky, and is often associated with money and good fortune. Three can depict several people joining together to achieve a common goal, whether through a social or professional affiliation. Three also represents communication of all kinds, expression, drama, acting, and humor. It also represents the number associated with creativity. As a basis of all creation, the blending of creative energy of one (male) and two (female) create new life, so the resulting creation is associated with the number three.It’s basic drive is acquire wisdom. It also restless, inquisitive and has an instinctive mind to explore. It can be completely free of malice. It represents the eyes which sparkle and twinkle with refreshing humour. Number Three is bold, courageous, truth-seeker and the quality of insight. Above all, number Three is the true persona of an intellect.
Number Four
Four is ruled by the planet Uranus. It is mentally nervous, changeable and cold. It is also the sign of independence and in subordination. It is the first "composite" number; that is to say, the first number that can be created from adding the number 1+3 or, 2+2. The simplest solid object has four sides; hence four denotes solid matter in general and the Earth in particular, as the Earth is a solid object bounded by four cardinal points (North, South, East and West). It is the number of completeness because nothing to be completed without the help of four. It symbolizes being practical and "down-to-earth. It is the "composite personality" that takes cues from different and often conflicting sources, leading to fiercely independent, "out-of-the-box" thinking. It is non-conformist and just as often misunderstood. It has high ideals and strong humanitarian feelings. The Number Four is very powerful and divesting. It has good occult power and represent the unexpected trouble in everything. It is selfish and eccentric. Above all, Number four is the true persona of an unexpected force.
Number Five
Five is ruled by the planet Mercury. It symbolizes youth, liveliness and gaiety, motion, dancing and walking. It is witty and quibbling. It is also a number which represents service to others. It is highly analytical and has the ability to think critically, but can over-ponder an issue to the point that its significance is no longer relevant. This number governs our ability to think clearly and our intellectual capacity. Five represents openness to new experiences as well as new ideas. Seeking freedom, it is often the adventurer. Five is about pushing life to its limits. It is a multifaceted number with links to our state of physical and mental health. It is the natural instincts for the trade or business. It is auspicious for the poet, writer, journalist etc. The number is reliable, consistent and the best of workers. It absorbs facts and figures like a sponge soaks up water and can produce them at will, analyzing them with systematic precision. The number Five is a true persona of a business mind.
Number Six
Six ruled by the planet Venus. It relates to tact, love, beauty and harmony. It represents the feminism. It is very much a relationship builder which corresponds to one-on-one encounters. It deals with that which we are attracted to and those things we find great pleasure in. Six possesses charm, grace and the ability to make small talk on any stratum, and is therefore much of a diplomat. Six is very nurturing, and is considered the mother/father number. The six desired for flamboyant costumes, fine cosmetics and dazzling colours. It makes relationship with most rich and influential people. It It is considered to be a minor money number, so a little extra income will be available wherever this number is found. Negatively, six can be unfaithful, jealous, bitter and vengeful. The Six number is the body and the sexual appeal of a woman. It is helpful to others. Above The number Six is the persona of a pretty woman.
Number Seven
Seven is ruled by the planet Neptune. It is distinctively related to the planet Venus and Moon. It is represents the occult or mysterious subjects. It makes the native emotional and changeable. The number represents the high sea of secrecy. It represents the true love for art and perfection. It is considered as a spiritual number because it is illusive and contains veils which must first be uncovered, one after another, before illumination will ultimately be found. Seven is said to be, sacred and this is evidenced by the fact that there are seven days in the week, ancient texts such as genesis propose that the earth was formed in seven phases, the ancient solar system consisted of seven luminaries (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn ), human body consists of seven plexuses or chakras. While seven possesses qualities of dreaminess, spirituality and psychic awareness, negatively it can be dubious, deceptive and insincere. The number Seven is a true persona of a mystic.
Number Eight
Eight is ruled by the planet Saturn. It is considered to be the number of karmic influences where we are called upon to pay debts incurred in this and previous lives. It is very pragmatic and with a balanced justice. It causes delay in all things. It gives slow but the steady progress. It represents the hard ethics to follow everybody. It represents hard work and lessons learned through experience, and can therefore be a difficult number for some because of the very restrictiveness of its nature. More than any other number, eight seeks money and material success. It also gives a strong life-longevity to a person. However, the hardships eight faces in pursuit of its rewards are extreme. Huge reversals in life are common for the eight. Because reputation and community standing are of paramount importance, those who have it figured prominently would be wise to lead honest lives, otherwise any indiscretions will more than likely be uncovered in a most unflattering manner. Above all, The number Eight, is a true persona of a old.
Number Nine
Nine is ruled by the planet Mars. It is represents command, authority, leadership, insatiable energy, braveness and hot temperament. It acts first and thinks afterwards. It is very straightforward and daring. The Nine represents bold statements without malice. It’s precious quality to give defense to anybody and willingly fight other people’s battle. It represents the fine and noble character, defending the weak from their enemies. The number nine is very aggressive and confident. It represents change, invention and growth. Nine is the humanitarian. Nine has traditionally held esoteric significance which is evidenced by the fact that it takes nine calendar months to bring a baby into the world from its initial conception. It inclined to be very headstrong and impulsive. It represents frankness, outspoken ability and impulsively generous. It hates laziness and hate to stands still. Above all, The number Nine is a true persona of a youth.
Please contact :
Amlan Basu
I/301, Gokul Village (Two),Shanti Park, Mira Road (East),
Dist. : Thane-401107,INDIA
Cell : 9820348093E-mail : amlanbengali@gmail.com
Website : amulyapublishers.blogspot.com
Mars conjunct Saturn shows that you are fortunate in being able to use your energy constructively. The normal desire to assert yourself on impulse is balanced by realization of the consequences of such an action. This quality of restraint can mean great accomplishments for you because you don't waste energy on unproductive efforts. Your sense of economy and efficiency are characteristics of success; you know how to use your talents purposefully for specific objectives. You are realistic in applying good judgement before taking any action. Your early training enabled you to take on major responsibilities without difficulty. Knowing your limitations, you rarely go beyond them. You are prudent and yet fearless, cautious and yet aggressive, hard-working and yet able to accomplish a great deal with economy of effort. Although you are a complex person, you use the most simplistic approach in solving problems. You represent the ideal in terms of a balance between aggression and self-control. You are never indifferent to the feelings of others, but can become angry when others try to interfere with you. Frustration brings out the most dangerous kind of energy in you. You are not accustomed to having your plans challenged, and can launch vicious attacks against your adversaries, even resorting to physical violence. Other factors in your chart may indicate whether you would go do this extreme, but the potential for it exists in this planetary combination. Many professional pursuits are possible with this combination. Especially suitable are occupations requiring physical endurance and stamina, such as archaeology, exploration, geographic surveys, and forestry service. In the industrial field, research and development seem appropriate. Military service would be another means of expression for your controlled energy. In your romantic pursuits, you easily play the roles of both prey and predator. You carefully evaluate the partner's line of least resistance in order to decide which techniques you will use. The remark 'pursued until you caught the pursuer' is descriptive of your method. It is very important not to become chilled when indulging in physical activities. Cool off gradually and avoid cold liquids to prevent cramps. Use as little salt as possible when not doing strenuous physical work. This is a very precarious condition. Usually it is not harmonious. You have to undergoes hardship and danger. A man or woman of strong determination. No deviation from selected path. Suffers financial loses through brothers. Conquers enemies, is argumentative, without any peace of mind. Thievish and war-like nature. If conjunction is in 3 rd, 6 th and 6 th house. You will be like a king, loved by all and be famous.The Saturn-Mars conjunction is termed as accident prone. When favourable in 1 st, gain through in-laws, and from journeys. In 2 nd , wealth after marriage. In 4 th, gain of wealth. In 5 th, wealth after birth of son. In 7 th, gain through opposite sex, comforts from wife and children. In 8 th troubles, In 9 th gain, power etc. after performing religious ceremony of his elders. In 12 th house good results are indicated.
Masculine & Feminine Planets
Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Sun are masculine. Neptune, Venus and Moon are feminine. Mercury is convertible; masculine when with masculine planets and feminine when with feminine. When unaspected its gender is determined by its sign, or whether rising before (masc.) or after (fem.) the Sun. These terms in astrology do not simply relate to the gender of sexuality, for masculine and feminine also express these other polarities:
• active/passive
• positive/negative
• dry/moist
• hot/cold
• light/dark
The idea of masculinity is traditionally related to dryness and femininity to moisture. According to Ptolemy, Mercury is common rather than convertible, as he produces "the dry and the moist alike". The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) have no traditional gender, so modern astrologers have assigned it. Gender has also been assigned to the major asteroids, Ceres, Vesta, Juno & Pallas Athene (all feminine) mainly on mythological grounds, but also in a questionable effort to right the so-called gender imbalance of traditional astrology. Chiron however is considered masculine.
Masculine & Feminine Quarters
Masculine Quarters extend anticlockwise from the cusp of the 10th house to the cusp of the Ascendant and clockwise from the cusp of the 4th to that of the 7th. Feminine Quarters are counted clockwise from the cusp of the Ascendant to that of the 4th and anti-clockwise from the cusp of the 7th to that of the 10th.
Masculine & Feminine Signs
Masculine Signs
• Aries
• Leo
• Sagittarius
• Gemini
• Libra
• Aquarius
Feminine Signs
• Taurus
• Virgo
• Capricorn
• Cancer
• Scorpio
• Pisces
The ancients considered that masculinity and femininity also alternated according to the sign's position vis a vis the ascendant, which is considered masculine.
Mars holds a very important planet in our horoscopes. It is the planet of action and our capacity to project emotion - its nature is that of a brave warrior, one who is also ruthless. A correct balance of Martian energy is the most desirable in all lives - but unfortunately, only a lucky few possess this dynamic balance. Mars is the planet of emotional excitability, which can become violence. Generally speaking, Venus is the planet of emotion sensitivity, which can become refinement while Mars represents the malefic side of our emotions.On the positive side, a strong Mars is necessary to give us the energy, independence, will and self-confidence to carry out our endeavors. Without this we would have no real interest, passion or motivation to carry out anything to an end and accomplish its objective. On the negative side, the same aggression brings about competition, argument and conflict - which, if unchecked can lead to domination, violence and injury. Mars indicates premature death; as with loss of partner, particularly so when Mars is afflicted by "Kuja Dosha". This affliction of Mars in a chart commonly makes the horoscope to be known as a Manglik horoscope. When the planet Mars is occupies the house of ascendant, 1st, 2nd , 4th , 7th , 8th and 12th in anybody’s birth chart or horoscope. Then the Mars considered malicious and the person called Mangalik. But, only the direct aspects or combination of Jupiter can totally emulate the terrible effect of Mars. The bad effect is the untimely death, separation or divorce of the life partner of the Mangalik person. That is why, the mangalik boy can marry only the mangalik girl. This precaution must be taken in advance or before marriage to cope out from the terrible trauma. There are of course conditions when this affliction of "Kuja Dosha" is reduced to some extent. These are:
• Mars in 1st House is in Aries
• Mars in 4th House is in Scorpio
• Mars in the 7th House is in Capricorn or Pisces
• Mars in the 8th House is in Cancer
• Mars in the 12th House is in Sagittarius
The very obvious and only means to cancellation of "Kuja Dosha" or malefic effect of a Manglik horoscope is that the person with such a horoscope marries another with a similar affliction. Recourse to divinity, especially to Lord Hanumaan is said to be effective armour against malefic effect of "Kuja Dosha". So called mangalik is a serious problem in the Hindus for the marriage. As per general rule of manglik, every 5 person out of 12 are always manglik. It means approximate 42 % population is always manglik. This is a serious problem to search a match for manglik girl / boy. But this is not truth. There are further more rules and condition for the Manglik Dosh, after that few person remain manglik, and again there are some rules applied on individual horoscope, then most of manglik declared person become non-manglik, while you search a manglik match for you / your non-manglik daughter / son.What will mangalik dosh effect in your married life? What are the possible ramifications?Mars (Mangal) placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house from ascendant (Lagna), Moon and Venus results in the Mangalik Dosha. The Importance of Mars in Mangalik DoshaMars is a cruel planet astrologically. Mars is a natural significator of Courage, Aggression, Violence, Property, Coborns to name a few. In terms of Marriage it acquires supreme importance as here it signifies Passion, the Husband, the Marital Knot, sex, etc. Moreover, the role of Mars in the generation of progeny cannot be underestimated. Mangalik Dosha in Relation to PlanetsMangalik Dosha is considered from the Ascendant as it signifies everything about self.Mangalik Dosha is considered from the Moon as it signifies heart, emotions. Mangalik Dosha is considered from Venus as it signifies marriage, spouse, and bed pleasures. Mangalik Dosha in Relation to Houses1st House signifies Self in general and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems in certain cases. 2nd House signifies Finance, Family among other things and placement/ aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases. 4th House signifies Domestic happiness, family and material comforts among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases. 7th House signifies spouse, marriage, married life among other things and placement/ aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases. 8th House signifies Longevity, Mangalya (marital bond) in females among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases. 12th House signifies Bed comforts, sexual enjoyment among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.The Effects of Placement of Mars in Specific Houses:Placement in 1st house: Being placed in the 1st house it will aspect 4th house, 7th house and 8th house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.Placement in 2nd house: Being placed in the 2nd house it will aspect 5th house (Children, emotions, intellect), 8th house and 9th(Fortune, Prosperity and Progeny in females) house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes. Placement in 4th house: Being placed in the 4th house it will aspect 7th house, 10th house (career, fame) and 11th house (gains, elevation of spouse) hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.Placement in 7th house: Being placed in the 7th house it will aspect 10th house, 1st house and 2nd house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.Placement in 8th house: Being placed in the 8th house it will aspect 11th house, 2nd house and 3rd house (inclination, courage, vigour), hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.Placement in 12th house: Being placed in the 12th house it will aspect 3rd house, 6th house (debts, disease, competition) and 7th house, hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.The Nature of Mangalik DoshaIt is believed that Mangalik dosha is mild if it is from the Ascendant. This affliction is stronger from the Moon and strongest from Venus.Mars placement in 1st, 2nd, 4th and 12th house indicates mild Dosha. Mars placement in 7th or 8th house results in greater Dosha. Neutralizing of Mangalik DoshaThe effects of the Mangalik Dosha are neutralized in various ways. But here we can mention a few Vedic Astrology Principles. If Mangalik Dosha is found in both the male and the female horoscope the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Jupiter aspects or conjoins Mars, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars and Rahu are placed together in the horoscope, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars is placed in his own house or in exaltation, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars is placed in 7th house and ascendant lord happens to be Saturn the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars is placed in 8th house and ascendant lord happens to be Venus the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars is placed in 8th house with Jupiter as 8th lord the effects of the dosha are neutralized.If Mars is placed in 12th house with Venus as 12th lord the effects of the dosha are neutralized.So called mangalik is a serious problem in the Hindus for the marriage. As per general rule of manglik, every 5 person out of 12 are always manglik. It means approximate 42 % population is always manglik. This is a serious problem to search a match for manglik girl / boy. But this is not truth. There are further more rules and condition for the Manglik Dosh, after that few person remain manglik, and again there are some rules applied on individual horoscope, then most of manglik declared person become non-manglik, while you search a manglik match for you / your non-manglik daughter / son.
1. A retrograde Mercury ( apparent backward motion ) as it implies stalled and inhibited communications.
2. A retrograde Venus or Mars in women as it denotes the inability of sexual desire.
1. Venus with Mars.
2. Venus with Uranus.
3. A week Jupiter.
4. Venus-Rahu in 5th house or Venus-Mars in 5th house.
5. Venus-Rahu in 7th house or Venus-Mars in 7th house.
6. Venus-Rahu in 8th house or Venus-Mars in 8th house.
7. Venus-Rahu in 12th house or Venus-Mars in 12th house especially in Scorpio or Aries.
These above mentioned conditions will be totally nullified if planets are combined with strong Jupiter or directly aspects by the strong Jupiter. So, the planet Jupiter can be savior for the all human beings.Malefics Planets generating difficult circumstances: traditionally Mars and Saturn; nowadays Uranus. The Sun is classed as a malefic in Indian (Vedic) astrology and also in Western Astrology when in conjunction (due to phenomenon of combustion — except when cazimi, i.e. in the heart of the Sun). The Dragon's Tail (Moon's south node) is malefic, though a "shadow planet" rather than a real rock. In Indian astrology both the Dragon's Head (Rahu) and Tail (Ketu) are considered serious malefics. The jury is still out on Pluto, but he is most likely malefic. Ceres it seems to me is generally malefic, especially in terms of natural disasters.
There are five planets rules the artistic talents of a person. These planets are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. They independently and combinedly make the various possibilities of the artistic talents.
Moon is the planet of imagination. When Moon is combined with Mars and Venus and three plantes are in a good position. Then a fine-honed painter is born with the gifted talent.
Mercury rules the voice quality, Mars rules the power of the voice and the Venus rules the rhythm sense. The combination of three planets in a good position makes person a popular singer. Also, the planet Jupiter gives the true capability of a classical singer.
The magnificient combination of The planet Sun and Mercury makes a person a talented writer or a novelist. Also, the planet Jupiter and Moon gives an unparrel variety of writing imagination to satisfy the reader.
An actor born with the strong influnce of the planet Mars, Mercury, Venus and Sun. These four planets makes a person with the quality of an acute talent of acting and spellbound performance.
SUN :- Head, Right eye, Heart, Stomach, Skin and Bone of the body.
MOON :- Left eye, Kidney, Lungs, Blood, Canal and Water in body.
MARS :- Head, Neck, Marrow, Genitals, Blood, Veins and Rectum of the body.
MERCURY :- Nose, Chest, Nerve, Spinal, Gall Bladder and Skin of the body.
JUPITER :- Tongue, Brain, Thigh, Liver, Kidney, Lungs, Ear, Fat and Memory of the body.
VENUS :- Throat, Eye-sight, Face, Genital Organs, Urine, Semen, Lustre of the body and Water in bodyand glands.
SATURN :- Hair, Teeth, Bones, Muscles, Legs, Limbs aand Skin of the body.
RAHU :- Feet and Breathing.
KETU :- Belly.
The most positive planet of universe. It's the conmbination of extremist outburst and floundering attitude. The planet Uranus is like a galloping hore with relentless effort. There is no malign in the nature, brave-hearted, straight-forward and dare-devil. The optimistic , ambitious , unbelievably fast movement, grooming go, knowlegeable and inteligency is the main forte of the planet Uranus. It's negative side is impatience, hot-temperedness, sometime aimless and the power to the quick grasp of detailing. It got the respect and honour from the people. The Uranus is idealistic and revoulinistic. Sometimes ill-fate curls the Uranus to make the end of impossilble activities. It's tendency to spearhead the projects with it's pioneering spirit. Uranus indicates electricity, which is indispensably fast engertic source of human life. Uranus is basically rules our psychological mind.
The mystic planet of the vast universe. It rules the deep ocean of secrecy and help to make the miracle magic. The planet Netune is the true king of all sorcery, mysterious death, occult science and sudden change. No body can judge perfectly the natre and tendency of Neptune. The constant imaginery of poet or lyricist is the true forte of the planet Neptune. It is the epitome of romantic love and the fine-honed sense of art. The real home of an artist, who gets the true inspiration to create the immortal niche. It has the hyper-sensitive nature and sentimentality to identify them from others. The Neptune represents the tremendous urge to make fulfil the dream. It is passimistic and passionate. On the other hand, The planet Neptune, is very suspicious and shrewd minded. They can manipulate their evil carefully to demolish them. All unsolved robbery or untraceable murders are the Nepttune's negative side. The planet Neptune represents the water or sea, which is the living source of our life energy. It is also rules in our psychological mind like the planet Uranus.
The smallest planet in the universe, with it's great power and ethics. The planet Pluto is really made for the true analysis of anything. It's the whizkid of all knowledge. It is very pragmatic, non-conformist, aloof and aggressive. The planet Pluto's fight is for the establishment of truth and it's own principle. It don't want to impose it's hard-rock philospphy in anybody's mind. It don't care anybody to follow it's own way. But, it is very fearless to proceed it's own road alone without any friend or help. There is no halt or no death trap can became it's barrier. People are not considered it friendly but respectable. As because, the planet Pluto can create a ripple like a small atom bomb. It is became it's own teacher, philosopher and guide. It likes to make friendship very much but not any friend can bind it into the small sphere. The planet Pluto's vision is big as a truth seeker. On the other hand it would be very cruel and selfish. It creates tremendous mayhem in public life . Sometimes it is very autocrat with it's destructive way. Actually, the planet Pluto indicates the powerful small, which is not being ignorable by others. It is especially influential in our psychological mind.
SUN – Ruby with gold in the ring finger.
MOON – Pearl / Moonstone with gold / silver in the index finger.
MARS – Red Coral with silver in the ring finger.
MERCURY – Green Emerald with gold in the little finger.
JUPITER – Yellow Sapphire with gold in index finger.
VENUS – Diamond / Aquamarine with gold / silver in the middle finger.
SATURN – Blue Sapphire / Amethyst with gold / silver in the middle finger.
RAHU – Zircon with gold in the middle finger.
KETU – Cat’s Eye with gold in the ring finger.
How to count your numerological number?There are several processes to count your numerological number. But the two formulas are widely used by world of numerologist. One is the simple Date of birth calculation and the other one is Name number calculation. The description given below:
It is a simple formula to follow and know your numerological number. You required to know your correct birth day and sum up the total number to make a single digit number. Example given below:-
Date of birth of AMLAN BASU = 16-01-1963 = 1+6+0+1+1+9+6+3 = 27 = 2+7 = 9.
You have to know the number of 27 alphabets, where every alphabetical have some number. You have to put the number and sum up to make a single digit number. Let’s know the number of every alphabet.
A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 D = 4 E = 5 F = 6 G = 7 H = 8 I = 9 J = 1 K = 2
L = 3 M = 4 N = 5 O = 6 P = 7 Q = 8 R = 9 S = 1 T = 2 U = 3 V = 4 W= 5 X = 6 Y = 7 Z = 8
Let’s take the example to calculate your numerological number.
AMLAN BASU = 1+4+3+1+5+2+1+1+3 = 21 = 2+1 = 3
What is the correct one to follow?
Both are the correct number. But, the Date of birth number is a fixed number, which is always static for the whole life and the Name number is a changeable number, which is also important for your career. After all, you are using your name as an identity. So, this number is firmly considerable.
Number One
One is the origin the beginning number which represents the star Sun. The sun is very hot and dry. It’s like the father of all. It represents the leadership quality, perfection, absolute unity, optimistic and so on. It can be happy, loving, selfish, individualistic, romantic, dynamic and charismatic, but on the other hand it can be egotistical, self-absorbed, melodramatic, obstinate and alone. One’s character is totally masculine and dominating. It has some degree of freedom and authority. It knows no fear. It has a rollicking-frolicking manner. It can cope out it’s barrier and able to bounce back. It loves to be the centre of attention and lavish for the praise. One has the tact and diplomacy. Above all, number One is the true persona of a father.
Number Two
Two represents the satellite moon. It is cold, changeable and feminine nature. It’s like the mother of all. It represents the night, mysterious things. In symbolizing partnership, two implies that individual achievements are not realistic because accomplishments are best realized through co-operation and teamwork. Two represents polarities such as good and evil, black and white, male and female, left and right. One pole cannot exist without the other. Two is the symbol of sacrifice. She is shy, passionate, imaginative, changeable and capable of enduring for a long time. Two is very artistic and a fine-honed sense of creativity. Two is the mind of a woman. It represents love and affection in all aspects of our life. It may be fickle and less will-power in sometime, but it’s every expression is true, not malefic. The cranky aspect of the number two is derived from the disappointment and dissatisfaction of the human spirit when denied first place in anything. After all, number Two is the true persona of a mother.
Number Three
Three is ruled by the planet Jupiter resulting in a new integration and wholeness. It represents a lively, cheerful, benevolent, realistic, spiritual mind. It is a masculine planet.Three can also relate to expansiveness and learning through life experiences. It is considered to be lucky, and is often associated with money and good fortune. Three can depict several people joining together to achieve a common goal, whether through a social or professional affiliation. Three also represents communication of all kinds, expression, drama, acting, and humor. It also represents the number associated with creativity. As a basis of all creation, the blending of creative energy of one (male) and two (female) create new life, so the resulting creation is associated with the number three.It’s basic drive is acquire wisdom. It also restless, inquisitive and has an instinctive mind to explore. It can be completely free of malice. It represents the eyes which sparkle and twinkle with refreshing humour. Number Three is bold, courageous, truth-seeker and the quality of insight. Above all, number Three is the true persona of an intellect.
Number Four
Four is ruled by the planet Uranus. It is mentally nervous, changeable and cold. It is also the sign of independence and in subordination. It is the first "composite" number; that is to say, the first number that can be created from adding the number 1+3 or, 2+2. The simplest solid object has four sides; hence four denotes solid matter in general and the Earth in particular, as the Earth is a solid object bounded by four cardinal points (North, South, East and West). It is the number of completeness because nothing to be completed without the help of four. It symbolizes being practical and "down-to-earth. It is the "composite personality" that takes cues from different and often conflicting sources, leading to fiercely independent, "out-of-the-box" thinking. It is non-conformist and just as often misunderstood. It has high ideals and strong humanitarian feelings. The Number Four is very powerful and divesting. It has good occult power and represent the unexpected trouble in everything. It is selfish and eccentric. Above all, Number four is the true persona of an unexpected force.
Number Five
Five is ruled by the planet Mercury. It symbolizes youth, liveliness and gaiety, motion, dancing and walking. It is witty and quibbling. It is also a number which represents service to others. It is highly analytical and has the ability to think critically, but can over-ponder an issue to the point that its significance is no longer relevant. This number governs our ability to think clearly and our intellectual capacity. Five represents openness to new experiences as well as new ideas. Seeking freedom, it is often the adventurer. Five is about pushing life to its limits. It is a multifaceted number with links to our state of physical and mental health. It is the natural instincts for the trade or business. It is auspicious for the poet, writer, journalist etc. The number is reliable, consistent and the best of workers. It absorbs facts and figures like a sponge soaks up water and can produce them at will, analyzing them with systematic precision. The number Five is a true persona of a business mind.
Number Six
Six ruled by the planet Venus. It relates to tact, love, beauty and harmony. It represents the feminism. It is very much a relationship builder which corresponds to one-on-one encounters. It deals with that which we are attracted to and those things we find great pleasure in. Six possesses charm, grace and the ability to make small talk on any stratum, and is therefore much of a diplomat. Six is very nurturing, and is considered the mother/father number. The six desired for flamboyant costumes, fine cosmetics and dazzling colours. It makes relationship with most rich and influential people. It It is considered to be a minor money number, so a little extra income will be available wherever this number is found. Negatively, six can be unfaithful, jealous, bitter and vengeful. The Six number is the body and the sexual appeal of a woman. It is helpful to others. Above The number Six is the persona of a pretty woman.
Number Seven
Seven is ruled by the planet Neptune. It is distinctively related to the planet Venus and Moon. It is represents the occult or mysterious subjects. It makes the native emotional and changeable. The number represents the high sea of secrecy. It represents the true love for art and perfection. It is considered as a spiritual number because it is illusive and contains veils which must first be uncovered, one after another, before illumination will ultimately be found. Seven is said to be, sacred and this is evidenced by the fact that there are seven days in the week, ancient texts such as genesis propose that the earth was formed in seven phases, the ancient solar system consisted of seven luminaries (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn ), human body consists of seven plexuses or chakras. While seven possesses qualities of dreaminess, spirituality and psychic awareness, negatively it can be dubious, deceptive and insincere. The number Seven is a true persona of a mystic.
Number Eight
Eight is ruled by the planet Saturn. It is considered to be the number of karmic influences where we are called upon to pay debts incurred in this and previous lives. It is very pragmatic and with a balanced justice. It causes delay in all things. It gives slow but the steady progress. It represents the hard ethics to follow everybody. It represents hard work and lessons learned through experience, and can therefore be a difficult number for some because of the very restrictiveness of its nature. More than any other number, eight seeks money and material success. It also gives a strong life-longevity to a person. However, the hardships eight faces in pursuit of its rewards are extreme. Huge reversals in life are common for the eight. Because reputation and community standing are of paramount importance, those who have it figured prominently would be wise to lead honest lives, otherwise any indiscretions will more than likely be uncovered in a most unflattering manner. Above all, The number Eight, is a true persona of a old.
Number Nine
Nine is ruled by the planet Mars. It is represents command, authority, leadership, insatiable energy, braveness and hot temperament. It acts first and thinks afterwards. It is very straightforward and daring. The Nine represents bold statements without malice. It’s precious quality to give defense to anybody and willingly fight other people’s battle. It represents the fine and noble character, defending the weak from their enemies. The number nine is very aggressive and confident. It represents change, invention and growth. Nine is the humanitarian. Nine has traditionally held esoteric significance which is evidenced by the fact that it takes nine calendar months to bring a baby into the world from its initial conception. It inclined to be very headstrong and impulsive. It represents frankness, outspoken ability and impulsively generous. It hates laziness and hate to stands still. Above all, The number Nine is a true persona of a youth.
Please contact :
Amlan Basu
I/301, Gokul Village (Two),Shanti Park, Mira Road (East),
Dist. : Thane-401107,INDIA
Cell : 9820348093E-mail : amlanbengali@gmail.com
Website : amulyapublishers.blogspot.com
Astrologer Amlan Basu
Amlan Basu holds a Bachelor Degree in Arts from the North Bengal University, Siliguri and a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Relations & Advertising Management from School of Communications & Management Studies from Cochin, India.
He is working as an Office Manager in a Non-Profit Organization in Mumbai, India. He is a poet, writer, artist and Astrologer (Palmistry & Horoscope). Amlan began the studies of Astrology self-taught, inspired by the work of some great Indian and Western astrologers, especially Bhrigu. Allan Leo, Cheiro etc. Researching different metaphysical subjects, while studying Eastern mysticism, Vedic philosophy, Sanskrit and devotional music, he had also written poetry and published some of his poetry work and essays coincidentally shortly after discovering astrology as a powerful self-realization tool at the age of 22. Amlan’s enthusiastic pursuit for continued education, knowledge and personal growth, makes him deeply committed to teaching and helping people understand astrology better. He is specialize in Palmistry, Horoscope, Numerology and Vastu. He is the author of a series of articles published in magazines in Kolkata, Mumbai and his own blog.
Amlan Basu has been consulting in the area of astrology since 1985. He has a keen interest in people and this is what drew her to the field of astrology over 25 years ago. Amlan is a firm believer in the benefits of a structured approach to learning the art and science of Astrology. Amlan enjoys sharing what he knows and motivating others to study Astrology and wishes everyone would discover this wonderful tool. Unlike a psychic, he works with people's birth charts. Birth Chart reveals peoples strengths, talents and weaknesses; it is the key to his future potential. He predicts efficiently the Education, Career, Financial Stability, Marriage, Health and Special Instinct of a person. He loves people with abundance of breeding and tolerance. He studied and practiced for the several years. He is an eclectic astrologer known for His sense of humour, clear presentation style, fair-mindedness, insight, intuition and common sense. Amlan’s specialties include vocational astrology, relationship astrology, Western metaphysical astrology, aspect theory, and life purpose/personal empowerment work. He is available in person or by phone for consultations, and is willing to give lectures or workshops anywhere in the world. He is also willing to tutor in person or by email. Locally, his Saturday and Sunday seminars are popular and enjoyable as are his classes, both of which are kept small in facilitate learning.
I'm a professional astrologer since twenty two years. My knowledge is based on clairvoyance, insight, intuition and studying of multiple astrological books. I have done Horoscope Making and Analysis for more than thousand people. Also, I'm doing Match making and Numerological Analysis. I can't give you the guarantee for hundred percent perfect, but the right guideline for your future. My sole aim is to solve my customer problem. I will recommend you the right gems and stones for your future.I really assured my clients will get the most productive prediction for the following :
Friend or Foe
Foreign Travel
Loses or Miseries
Special Instincts
1. Basic Horoscope - 50 USD /1000 INR
2. Detailed Horoscope - 100 USD / 2000 INR
3. Match Making - 50 USD / 1000 INR
4. Numerology - 50 USD / 1000 INR
1. Name
2. Surname
3. Gender - Male / Female
4. Status - Single / Married / Divorcee/widower/widow
5. Full Mailing Address including Pincode
6. Date of Birth - DD/MM/YYYY
7. Time of Birth - HH/MM ( 0-24 Hrs)
8. Place of Birth ( with nearby well known town/city )
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Amount sent through D.D. / M.O. - USD / INRD.D. / M.O. Receipt no., Dated & Name of the Bank / Post Office issuing( also enclose a xerox copy of the D.D. / M.O. Counterfoil / Receipt ).All the information are must be required so please fill the carefully that form. You will get your Horoscope by courier or registered post or e-mail depend upon your preference.Please contact or mail with your details to :
Amlan Basu, Mumbai, India
E-mail: amlanbengali@gmail.com
Blog: amulyapublishers.blogspot.com
Tel.: +91-22-28550690, Mob.: +91-9820348093
He is working as an Office Manager in a Non-Profit Organization in Mumbai, India. He is a poet, writer, artist and Astrologer (Palmistry & Horoscope). Amlan began the studies of Astrology self-taught, inspired by the work of some great Indian and Western astrologers, especially Bhrigu. Allan Leo, Cheiro etc. Researching different metaphysical subjects, while studying Eastern mysticism, Vedic philosophy, Sanskrit and devotional music, he had also written poetry and published some of his poetry work and essays coincidentally shortly after discovering astrology as a powerful self-realization tool at the age of 22. Amlan’s enthusiastic pursuit for continued education, knowledge and personal growth, makes him deeply committed to teaching and helping people understand astrology better. He is specialize in Palmistry, Horoscope, Numerology and Vastu. He is the author of a series of articles published in magazines in Kolkata, Mumbai and his own blog.
Amlan Basu has been consulting in the area of astrology since 1985. He has a keen interest in people and this is what drew her to the field of astrology over 25 years ago. Amlan is a firm believer in the benefits of a structured approach to learning the art and science of Astrology. Amlan enjoys sharing what he knows and motivating others to study Astrology and wishes everyone would discover this wonderful tool. Unlike a psychic, he works with people's birth charts. Birth Chart reveals peoples strengths, talents and weaknesses; it is the key to his future potential. He predicts efficiently the Education, Career, Financial Stability, Marriage, Health and Special Instinct of a person. He loves people with abundance of breeding and tolerance. He studied and practiced for the several years. He is an eclectic astrologer known for His sense of humour, clear presentation style, fair-mindedness, insight, intuition and common sense. Amlan’s specialties include vocational astrology, relationship astrology, Western metaphysical astrology, aspect theory, and life purpose/personal empowerment work. He is available in person or by phone for consultations, and is willing to give lectures or workshops anywhere in the world. He is also willing to tutor in person or by email. Locally, his Saturday and Sunday seminars are popular and enjoyable as are his classes, both of which are kept small in facilitate learning.
I'm a professional astrologer since twenty two years. My knowledge is based on clairvoyance, insight, intuition and studying of multiple astrological books. I have done Horoscope Making and Analysis for more than thousand people. Also, I'm doing Match making and Numerological Analysis. I can't give you the guarantee for hundred percent perfect, but the right guideline for your future. My sole aim is to solve my customer problem. I will recommend you the right gems and stones for your future.I really assured my clients will get the most productive prediction for the following :
Friend or Foe
Foreign Travel
Loses or Miseries
Special Instincts
1. Basic Horoscope - 50 USD /1000 INR
2. Detailed Horoscope - 100 USD / 2000 INR
3. Match Making - 50 USD / 1000 INR
4. Numerology - 50 USD / 1000 INR
1. Name
2. Surname
3. Gender - Male / Female
4. Status - Single / Married / Divorcee/widower/widow
5. Full Mailing Address including Pincode
6. Date of Birth - DD/MM/YYYY
7. Time of Birth - HH/MM ( 0-24 Hrs)
8. Place of Birth ( with nearby well known town/city )
Payment Details
Amount sent through D.D. / M.O. - USD / INRD.D. / M.O. Receipt no., Dated & Name of the Bank / Post Office issuing( also enclose a xerox copy of the D.D. / M.O. Counterfoil / Receipt ).All the information are must be required so please fill the carefully that form. You will get your Horoscope by courier or registered post or e-mail depend upon your preference.Please contact or mail with your details to :
Amlan Basu, Mumbai, India
E-mail: amlanbengali@gmail.com
Blog: amulyapublishers.blogspot.com
Tel.: +91-22-28550690, Mob.: +91-9820348093
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